Monday, April 13, 2009

Our first meeting with the panel of judges

On the 6th of April, the Legal Aid Committee held a meeting with the Vice – Chancellor of the University, Prof. Balraj Chauhan, and a panel of Judges consisting of hon’ble Mr. Justice I S Mathur, , hon’ble Mr. Justice Khem Karan,Hon’ble Mr. Justice Khandelwal. Also present in the meeting were ,Mr.,Raghunath Prasad,retd. District judge , MR. S K Saxena, Member – Secretary, UPSLSA , Miss Sashi, coordinator NGO Ehsaas, , and Dr. Sanjay Singh, Faculty, and Head of the Legal Aid Committee.

The discussions of the meeting were initiated by our 2nd year students Ankit Sahni and 3rd year student Shashank Raj. They described how they have been educating certain slum kids since the last six months. They explained their motivation, their methodology, their achievements, and other relevant details. The efforts of our socially active students were appreciated by one and all present and suggestions were made as to how further improvements in the methodology could be carried out.

The Constitution of the Legal Aid Committee was put forward by the Convener, LAC, Anas Tanwir Siddiqi. He read out the highlights of the Constitution and rested the matter to the evaluation of the members of the meeting. After an elaborate discussion on the same and explanation of methodologies, the panel of Judges gave their valuable suggestions to further improve various provisions of the Constitution. Among the various suggestions the most important was to narrow down the objectives of the Committee to only the legal domain, as otherwise the scope would be vast and may lead to problems in the functioning of the Committee in future. All suggestions were whole-heartedly appreciated and accepted by the Committee. Anas Tanwir was appointed as internship coordinator for UPSLSA.

At the end of the meeting the Committee members were handed over the task of framing methodology and a thesis of their plan of action. After the discussion was over, the panel of judges and the faculty sat down to decide the modus operandi of the Committee.

Thus the meeting was another step forward in the working of the Legal Aid Committee

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